Groups and Clinics

If you are interested in joining a group but the Eventbrite registration is already closed, just send an email to stating your name and the group you’d like to join. The facilitator will get in touch and let you know whether there’s room for you to join.

Writing Cohort

Are you struggling to maintain momentum on your writing project? Give yourself a boost by joining a writing cohort. The cohort will meet on Zoom once a week for about one hour. Sessions will begin with a brief check-in, followed by 50 minutes of focused writing time. Participants will stay on Zoom while they write in order to experience solidarity of purpose with their cohort.
Tuesdays @ 10 AM with Emily Price, June 4 – August 13, register here.

Accountability Group

Are you looking for a community of support to help you meet your writing goals? This summer, The Writing Center is running three accountability groups that meet once a week. During each Zoom session of one hour or less, participants will share weekly goals, accomplishments, and setbacks. Throughout this process, members of the group will offer each other support, encouragement, and practical advice. 
Thursdays @ 4 PM with Daniel Hengel, June 6 – August 8, register here.

Summer Dissertation and Thesis Writing Clinics

This summer break, we are running 3 week-long clinics for dissertation and thesis writers. Conducted remotely, each clinic will bring participants together in a community of support aimed at recalibrating one’s relationship to self-structured writing time. Participants will convene at 10 AM each morning for a brief information session, work independently during the day, then reconvene at 5 PM for a group debrief and reflection. Participants will gain increased process-awareness of the daily habits and practices that support (and undermine) writing productivity.
NOTE: Due to limited availability, students can only register for 1 clinic. 
Clinic 1, June 3-7, facilitated by Malkah Bressler; register here.
Clinic 2, July 15—19, facilitated by Emily Price; register here.
Clinic 3, August 12-16, facilitated by Daniel Hengel; register here.