Research Management Tools

Please note that all of our remaining in-person workshops for the semester have been canceled. We may have web-based options for workshops later in the semester; please check back at a later date for updates.

Date(s) – Tuesday, March 24, 2020
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

CUNY Graduate Center Room 3317

Do you struggle with too many things to keep track of when you are writing?

In this workshop we will go over techniques and software for organizing and managing the materials that you collect in the course of your research.  Particularly designed for researchers involved in archival work, but also for those seeking to create a system for managing other types of materials that are part of their writing process and need to be easily accessed.

We recommend bringing a laptop to be able to try out things as we go.

Please RSVP

If you plan to attend, please RSVP using our event registration form.