Writing a Conference Abstract

Please note that all of our remaining in-person workshops for the semester have been canceled. We may have web-based options for workshops later in the semester; please check back at a later date for updates.

Date – Thursday, February 20, 2020
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

CUNY Graduate Center, room 3317

Do you see a conference in your future?

Join us for the Writing Center’s inter-disciplinary Abstract Writing Workshop!

Here we will review the best practices of responding to a CFP. We’ll look at graduate school conference CFPS, as well as regional and national conference CFPs—each has its own peculiarities.

We’ll provide examples of successful critical and pedagogical abstracts. We’ll also take a look at a few abstracts that failed to effectively navigate the sometimes-idiosyncratic language of a CFP and discuss why we think they failed to qualify for their panel.

We’ll also engage in a peer editing workshop. We’re going to critique each other’s work as we prepare to engage with fellow scholars.

We ask our Abstract Writing Workshop participants to bring the abstract they’re working on and the CFP they hope to answer.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP using our event registration form.

If you have any questions please contact: writinghelp@gc.cuny.edu